How to Create a Squeeze Page That Converts Like Magic

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Email marketing still has distinct advantages over other marketing channels, making email lead generation vitally important to the growth of your business.

Building a targeted email list is much easier with the right tools. That’s why we’ve created this tutorial to guide you through creating a long-form optin, called a squeeze page.

Squeeze pages are not only effective, but they’re also actually pretty fun to create and navigate.

What Is a Squeeze Page?

A squeeze page is a special type of page designed for a single purpose: collect contact information. That’s it. ?

While you could take the time to create a special webpage for your squeeze page every time you need one, why not just use an optin? OptinMonster’s own Fullscreen template is a perfect option for creating a high-converting, long-form squeeze page.

We’re going to be using the Fullscreen template in this very guide!

How to Create a Squeeze Page Step-by-Step

Creating an effective, high-converting squeeze page is easy. Over the next 7 steps, we’re going to walk you through how to create a squeeze page, start to finish. Are you ready to have some fun?

Step 1. Build an Irresistible Offer

Before you design your squeeze page, you need to create something to offer visitors in exchange for their email address. This is called a lead magnet. They’re typically in the format of digital, downloadable content, like a free PDF checklist, report, eBook, whitepaper, or something else along those lines.

You can use psychographics like your visitors’ values, interests, and attitudes to create strong customer avatars that will help you make sure your offer and message are hitting the mark. Then, build an amazing lead magnet they can’t help but be drawn to.

One self-help site offers their visitors a lead magnet of 60 journal prompts for “self-love, self-discovery + a spot of self-coaching.” This sounds like a perfect fit and exactly what their audience would be looking for!

worksheets are great lead magnets for squeeze pages

Here’s another example of a lead magnet offer from a budgeting website.

squeeze page example

This site also knows exactly what will drive their visitors to part with their email addresses and offers just the right thing.

So, what will you offer? Here are some awesome lead magnet ideas to get you started. If you need a bit more, we have an execution plan on OptinMonster University that will take you from zero to having a lead magnet published in about an hour!

Once you have your lead magnet figured out, you’re ready to start drafting your squeeze page.

Step 2. Craft a Killer Headline

The first thing visitors are going to notice when they land on your squeeze page is your headline. If you want to get visitors past those 15 or so words, your headline has to be benefit-driven.

This means that, more than anything else, your headline has to clearly inform the visitor of the benefit your lead magnet will provide them.

For a great example of a benefit-driven headline, take a look at this optin from Backlinko:

backlinko-popup with benefit-driven headline

The headline is definitely attention-grabbing and the benefit immediately clear: who wouldn’t want to increase their traffic by 25,000 visitors per month?

If your headline doesn’t communicate the benefit of your lead magnet, visitors aren’t going to click and you’re going to miss out on leads.

Check out our guide to creating high-converting headlines for help with this step.

Step 3. Write a Compelling Supporting Headline

Sometimes visitors will be intrigued by the headline, but not quite ready to sign up. For those visitors, a compelling supporting headline is a must.

Chalene Johnson nails the supporting headline in this optin:

chalenejohnson-optin with compelling supporting headline

The headline does a great job on its own, but for those who aren’t convinced, the supporting headline sells it. For more advice, see these expert tips for writing landing page copy that converts.

Step 4. Choose the Right Imagery or Video

Including a 3 to 10 minute video on your squeeze page can increase conversions by up to 80%. Wild, right?

People find videos incredibly engaging and videos do a great job of increasing the length of time visitors stay on your site. This comes in handy for search engine rankings.

If you don’t have a video to use, just choose an image that is consistent with your page’s design. You can also take a page out of Backlinko’s book and create an image showing the lead magnet that visitors will be getting once they sign up!

Step 5. Include the Best Social Proof

Social proof, like testimonials from current satisfied customers, is also a great addition to a high-converting squeeze page.

You’ll want to use testimonials that include results, or that gush over the product. Even better if they do both!

Testimonials like this are your reward for having a great product or great service, and your potential customers are going to respond to that.

Step 6. Create the Perfect Call to Action

A call to action (CTA), quite simply, encourages a visitor to your site to take action. “Buy now,” “click to subscribe,” and “book a demo” are all examples of calls to action.

minimizing risk cta specific call to action

Your call to action should be specific; the more specific it is, the easier it is for a visitor to follow it.

A strong call to action gets the conversion. To help, here’s our guide on how to write the perfect call to action.

Step 7. Build an Awesome Squeeze Page in OptinMonster

Now we get to take what we’ve learned in the first 6 steps and put it together into a killer squeeze page using the Fullscreen template from OptinMonster.

This is by far the easiest way to create your squeeze page and you can get started with OptinMonster in about 60 seconds.

Here’s what our page will look like:

how to create a squeeze page example

You’ll start at your OptinMonster dashboard.

Create a New Campaign

Once you’re logged in to OptinMonster, click the Create Campaign button to create a new optin campaign.

create an optin in OptinMonster

Select the Fullscreen campaign type to create your squeeze page.

fullscreen campaign type is perfect for creating a squeeze page

Next, select the template you want to use. We’re going to use the Entrance template for our campaign. You can select the template you want by hovering your mouse over the template and clicking the Use Template button. You also have the option to Preview the template.

select the template you want to use for your squeeze page

Now, name your campaign, add the website you’re using it on, and click Start Building.

OptinMonster makes it really easy to create beautiful, high-converting campaigns in minutes

Design Your Campaign

Right after you click Start Building, you’ll be taken into OptinMonster’s drag and drop campaign builder. Each template comes with a cool default design that just needs your personal touches to be ready to launch on your own site, so we’re only going to be adding to what’s already here.

Let’s start by adding a video.

To do that, we’re going to click +Add Blocks then drag and drop the blocks you want from the editing tools on the left to where you want to place them in the live preview on the right, like this:

add elements to your campaigns easily with drag and drop

You can edit the video URL or aspect ratio, or edit the block formatting by clicking the corresponding button in the editing tools.

edit the video URL or block

We have our block set up with a top margin of 20px. You can set this in the Block tab.

Now that we have our video added, we’re going to move on to our first optin section. Click on the optin fields in the live preview to bring up the editing tools to the left.

bring up editing tools for any element by clicking on the element in the live preview

The only thing we need to do here is to add the Name field. To do that, simply click on the Name field in the Available Fields section. Then, drag the Name field so that it appears before the Email field in the Fields list.

editing fields easily using drag and drop

Here’s what our squeeze page looks like so far:

how to create a squeeze page example

Pretty cool, right? We’re at the halfway point and it’s only been about 5 minutes. And that’s if you had to sign up for an OptinMonster account!

Next, we’ll add our social proof.

For this tutorial, we’re using 2 of the blocks that are divided down the middle. This will keep our testimonials formatted nicely. Remember, adding blocks is as easy as drag and drop!

add blocks for the testimonials section of our squeeze page

Now that you have your sections in place, you can add your testimonial text and images.

We went with a staggered text and image to add interest, but you can set your squeeze page up however you want.

Let’s start by adding and editing a text block.

edit the testimonials text

In addition to adding our customer testimonial text, we’re going to make these changes on the Content tab:

  • Font: Open Sans
  • Color: hex code #FFFFFF

Next, we’re going to the Block tab

easily change the spacing of a block with the editing tools

On this tab, we’re going to set the top margin to 165px.

Now, let’s add an image for this testimonial. To do this, click on the + Plus symbol in the empty box in the next section to bring up the blocks in the editing tools. Drag and drop the image block to the empty block next to the text you just added and select an image or upload one:

add an image to our squeeze page easily with drag and drop

The only edit we need to make here is to go to the Block tab and set the top margin to 40px. You may need to go back to your text block and adjust the top margin to make sure you like the way it looks.

Using the same process, go ahead and add your second customer testimonial. Here’s what ours look like once they’re completed:

how to create a squeeze page example

The last piece of the squeeze page is adding our final set of optin fields after the testimonials. It’s probably taken longer to find just the right testimonial than it has to put this page together, hasn’t it? ?

Click the + Add Blocks button to add a new block. We’re going to use the large, single block this time. Drag and drop it over to your live preview, just under your testimonials.

let's add our second optin section

Here are all of the things you can edit for the optin fields:

so many editing options for the optin fields

We want to match our second optin to our first, so we got rid of the Phone and Privacy Text fields to start. You can do that by clicking the X next to the field.

Now, click on the Block tab and scroll down to the Padding. Set the right and left padding to 12%. Then, set the top Margin to 40px.

Next up, let’s change the button to match the button from our first optin section. Click on the Button tab and make these changes:

  • Text: Yes! Please show me how!
  • Color: Hex code #12be00
  • Font Color: Hex code #fff
  • Font Size: 20px
  • Font Weight: 600
  • Border Radius: 4px
  • Padding, Top/Bottom: 20px
  • Padding, Left/Right: 12px
  • Margin, Bottom: 8px

We also need to change the Hover settings for our button. We can do that by going to the hover tab, clicking on Copy Regular Styles and changing the background color to hex code #13cd00. This will give the button a glowing effect when the mouse hovers over it. Neat!

Now that our button is how we want it, let’s edit our optin field styles by clicking on the Fields tab and then into the Styles section:

edit the optin field styles

Here we’re just changing the Border Radius to 4px and the Top/Bottom Padding to 15px.

We just need to add our opt-out button and we’ll be done with our design!

By now, you’re a pro at this, so go ahead and click that + Add Blocks button and drag and drop a button block right underneath your super cool yes button.

Here are the changes we made to our opt-out button:

  • Text: No thanks, I’d rather not grow my email list…
  • Font Color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.84)
  • Font Size: 13px
  • Text Decoration: Underline
  • Border Style: None
  • Border Radius: 0
  • Padding: 0

We also need to make changes to the hover formatting. Click into the Hover section and then click on Copy Regular Styles. This will take care of most of the formatting for you. From there, we only need to change the font color to hex code #ffffff.

When a visitor clicks the opt-out, we want the squeeze page to close and our regular website to show, so we’re just going to set the button action to close the campaign. To do that, click the Action tab and select Close the campaign from the Button Click Action dropdown.

edit the opt-out button action to close the campaign when clicked

Save your squeeze page by clicking the Save button in the upper right corner.

always remember to save your progress

Our design is solid. It’s time to move on to our display rules.

Decide When to Show Your Squeeze Page

We can use Display Rules to tell our squeeze page when to show up.

To do this, go to the Display Rules tab. You’ll see that the default rules are set to show optins on any page after 5 seconds. You can delete a condition by clicking on the – Minus button next to it.

For this tutorial, we’ve set our page to appear after 45 seconds and not on our homepage. Go ahead and make those changes.

set display rules

Then, click the Save button.

Add Your Email Service Provider

To collect email addresses with your optin fields you’re going to have to connect your Email Marketing Service Provider through the Integrations tab. OptinMonster integrates with all major email marketing platforms. Find your email marketing platform integration instructions here!

Here’s an example of what Mailchimp integration looks like:

OptinMonster integrates with every major email marketing platform

Don’t Forget! If you’re offering a lead magnet you’ll need to set up your email provider to send that lead magnet to subscribers once they sign up!

Track Your Results

The final step before publishing your squeeze page is to set up analytics so you can always stay on top of how your squeeze page is performing and make adjustments if needed. If you don’t have a Google Analytics account, sign up for one here.

Go to the Analytics tab and click the Connect button next to Google Analytics.

connect Google Analytics to track campaign performance

In the screen that comes up, click the green Generate Authentication Code button.

generate Google Analytics authentication code

A new browser tab will open up to ask you if you will allow OptinMonster to view your Google Analytics data. Click the blue Allow button.

allow access to Google account

Next, it will give you a code. Copy this code, and then go back to the browser tab with your OptinMonster edit screen.

copy google analytics code

Paste the code into the Authentication Code field. Then, give your Google Analytics account a name in the Account Label (just pick a name that will help you remember which account you are connecting to). Hit the green Next button.

enter Google authentication code

You should see this success message after clicking Next:

Google Analytics successfully connected

Now you’ll be able to get data from Google Analytics and see your conversion rate right from your OptinMonster account by clicking on the analytics icon next to your optin form:

view analytics detail

Publish Your Squeeze Page

Now we’re ready to publish!

To do this, click Publish in the top menu and change the Status from Paused to Live.

publish your squeeze page

Scroll down the Publish page a little bit to see OptinMonster’s range of publishing options. If you need more information, take a look at the documentation for embedding OptinMonster on your site.

ways to publish your campaigns

Test and Revise

One of the best ways to ensure that your squeeze page is converting leads and sales effectively is to split-test.

This doesn’t mean making changes to your page just for the sake of making changes. The purpose of split-testing, also called A/B testing, is to try specific changes to your marketing against existing marketing to determine what works best.

And, split-testing works.

Logic Inbound spent the time to split-test their call to action with jaw-dropping results: a full 1500% increase in conversions over their original CTA!

Logic Inbound split-tested campaign

Split-testing in OptinMonster is really easy. From the OptinMonster Dashboard select the More Options button.

Click Dots for More Actions

Next, select the A/B Split Test option from the dropdown list.

select A/B split test from dropdown

On the next screen, you’ll be required to add a Title and can also add Notes for your new split test. We strongly recommend adding notes about the changes you made to the split-test optin so you remember what changes you made, what worked, and what didn’t later on.

Click the Create Split Test button and you’re done.

Select Create Split Test

That’s it! From start to finish, creating a squeeze page with a video, client testimonials, and 2 optin sections takes about 15 minutes (we timed it ?). If you want even more control over the look of your squeeze page, you’ll love the freedom of our Canvas template that lets you design your own optin using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even WordPress shortcodes.

Need something a little simpler than a squeeze page? Create a simple landing page instead! ?

Are you looking for more ways to get the most out of OptinMonster? Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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In only 7 months, we added more than 95,654 names to our email list using OptinMonster’s Exit Intent™ technology. We strongly recommend it!

Michael Stelzner - Best Lead Generation Tool

Michael Stelzner

Founder Social Media Examiner

I hate popups, so I was hesitant to try one on my site. But the results from OptinMonster exit-intent popup speak for themselves. I doubled my subscription rate immediately without annoying my users. I haven’t had a single complaint. My only regret is that I didn’t start using OptinMonster sooner. I can only imagine how many subscribers I could have added to my email list! If you have a blog, then I highly recommend you start using OptinMonster. I’ve researched them all, and it’s the best in market.

Michael Hyatt - WordPress Lead Generation

Michael Hyatt

New York Times Bestselling Author Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Exit-intent popups have doubled my email opt-in rate. When done right, you can see an instant 12% lift on driving sales. I highly recommend that you use OptinMonster for growing your email list and sales.

Neil Patel - WordPress Popup Plugin

Neil Patel

Founder QuickSprout