13 Customer Acquisition Tools to Grow Your Sales Today

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customer acquisition tools featured image

Are you looking for the best customer acquisition tools to attract new leads to your business and drive MORE revenue?

Getting new customers is one of the biggest problems facing companies of all sizes. And the strategies that you use to get those new customers will make or break the success of your business.

That’s why, in today’s post, we’re going to share 13 of the best customer acquisition tools on the market. That way, you can get started generating new leads and creating more loyal (and paying) customers today.

Let’s dive straight into the list.

13 Customer Acquisition Tools

In today’s post, we’ll be looking at different customer acquisition tools and plugins. While some of these tools work exclusively for WordPress, many are flexible and can be used for other platforms, too.

In each section, we’ll break down the tool’s key features, pricing, and which website platform it can be used for.

Let’s get started.

1. OptinMonster

optinmonster new homepage

OptinMonster is the best lead generation software on the market and your best bet for attracting new customers to your business.

That’s because OptinMonster allows anyone to quickly and easily create different types of “optin campaigns.” These are things you’re already familiar with, like popups, floating bars, fullscreen welcome mats, and more.

These optin campaigns can be used on any website to grow your email list, get higher conversions, or make MORE sales. This is especially true when your optin campaigns are paired with an enticing and compelling lead magnet.

Worried about building these optin campaigns? Don’t be.

OptinMonster gives you all the tools you need to create professional and high-converting campaigns in a matter of minutes. That’s because it comes with over 50+ templates that you can use to get started FAST:

optinmonster templates

These pre-made templates are designed to save you time, energy, and headaches in the campaign creation process.

From there, you’ll be able to modify the campaign to your exact liking. You can do this with OptinMonster’s inline text editor. That lets you modify things like your message’s:

  • Font family
  • Font size
  • Alignment
  • Height
  • Font color
  • Background color
  • And much more…

inline editor with shopping template

Want to add new features, but you’re not a coder? Not a problem.

Simply find the new features you want to add to your campaign (like videos, images, countdown timers, and more). Then you can drag and drop these where you’d like:

add a countdown timer to reduce cart abandonment

Since all the campaigns are made up of “blocks,” all your new features will fall neatly into place. That means you don’t need to be a professional designer to make stunning campaigns.

But once you’ve made the perfect campaign for your brand, you’ll still need to show it to the right people, in the right places, and at just the right time in their customer journey.

For that, you’ll need to use OptinMonster’s powerful targeting rules. Some of the most popular targeting rules include things like:

  • Exit-Intent® Technology: Recover abandoning visitors as they’re actively trying to leave your website.
  • OnSite Retargeting®: Keep returning users engaged with fresh campaigns.
  • Geolocation: Personalize the user journey by targeting visitors by their physical location.
  • MonsterLinks™: Boost conversions by making your campaign appear at the click of a button or link.

These are just a few of the most popular targeting rules, though there are many others.

And these are the same rules used by companies like Human Food Bar to get over 1800 NEW leads each month.

Or how Crossrope was able to explode their email list by over 900%.

Key Features

  • Easy to set up and use
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly
  • Pre-built templates
  • Codless drag and drop builder
  • Advanced targeting rules
  • A/B testing for accurate success tracking
  • And much more…

Price: Paid plans start at $9/month.

Website Platform: OptinMonster works on ANY website.

Want to see it in action for yourself? Click below to sign up for your 100% risk-free OptinMonster account today:

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!
BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

2. TrustPulse

trustpulse new homepage updated

TrustPulse is the best social proof software on the market and the perfect customer acquisition tool for any website.

That’s because TrustPulse helps you leverage social proof to make more sales. This works by showing non-intrusive notifications that lets your site’s traffic see how others are engaging with your site:

social proof notification from trustpulse

This creates a FOMO (fear of missing out) effect and inspires your other site’s visitors into action.

Plus, all of these notifications can be made in minutes with zero coding skills required. You’ll be able to modify the campaign’s look, style, and messaging with drop-down menus and simply field text input.

You even have access to 4 different types of campaigns:

  • Recent Activity: Show a live stream of website activity like purchases, registrations, signups, and more.
  • On-Fire: Show the number of people taking action on your website in a given period.
  • Visitor Analytics: Highlight active interest in your site by showing real page visits over time.
  • Action Message: Display a single static notification to help drive visitors to take action or highly information.

trustpulse campaign types

This lets you get social proof up and running on your website regardless of what stage your business is in.

If you’re making active sales, you can use Recent Activity or On-Fire campaigns.

Still new? Use Visitor Analytics or Action Messages to rely on genuine social proof right from the get-go.

At the end of the day, TrustPulse gives you everything you need to use social proof to boost conversions across your site today. In fact, TrustPulse users have seen an instant increase in sales by up to 15%.

Key Features

  • Easy installation
  • No coding skills required
  • 4 types of social proof campaigns
  • Targeting rules to display notifications to the right people
  • 100% customizable

Price: Paid plans start at only $5/month

Website Platform: TrustPulse works on ANY site.

Get started with TrustPulse today!

3. PushEngage

push engage homepage updated

PushEngage is the best push notification software on the web and an excellent software for attracting new leads.

It lets you create and send automated push notifications to your audience. These are small messages that appear on your subscribers’ desktop and mobile devices, even if they’re not actively on your website. 

This gives you direct access to your new leads so you can nurture them into paying customers.

You can also use these notifications to redirect traffic, reduce cart abandonment, boost your SEO, grow your mailing list, and much more. Plus, since you aren’t asking users for their personal information (like name or email address), you’re likely to have more subscribers upfront.

These notifications can be set on autopilot, pre-scheduled, and you can even create a “drip” series (multiple campaigns that are automatically shown to specific parts of your audience).

Finally, you’ll have access to a reliable analytics dashboard to constantly refine and optimize your outreach strategy.

Key Features

  • No coding skills required
  • Create automated drip series
  • Schedule campaigns in advance
  • Powerful analytics dashboard
  • Add images and buttons to increase click-through rates
  • Track campaigns with UTMs
  • And much more…

Price: Paid plans start at only $9/month.

Website Platform: This tool works with ANY website.

Get started with PushEngage today!

4. WPForms

wpforms homepage

WPForms is the best drag and drop form builder for WordPress. It allows anyone to quickly and easily create stunning forms for their site, including:

  • Contact forms
  • Payment forms
  • Surveys
  • Quizzes
  • Newsletter signup forms
  • Registration forms
  • And much more…

You can add these forms to your WordPress site, even if you don’t have any technical skills. Not only does WPForms have a drag and drop builder, but it can be embedded with the click of a button using the Gutenberg editor (or with a simple shortcode for the classic editor).

WPForms is a lightweight and mobile-friendly plugin that can help you improve the user experience (UX) with your customers.

It also gives your site’s traffic a way to engage with them and allows you to capture crucial information about your new leads.

That way, you can nurture the relationship over time and build a larger client base.

Key Features

  • Easy to install and set up
  • Drag and drop form builder
  • 100% customizable
  • No technical skills needed
  • Form templates get you started FAST
  • And much more…

Price: Paid plans start at only $31.60/year.

Website Platform: WPForms works exclusively for WordPress. For a non-WordPress alternative, consider a free tool like Google Forms.

5. All-in-One SEO

All in One SEO home page_

All-in-One SEO (AIOSEO) is the best WordPress SEO plugin and toolkit on the market.

It has everything you need to optimize your site and start ranking on search engines like Google. AIOSEO comes with tons of tools that can help you with:

  • Local SEO
  • WooCommerce SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • And much more…

This allows you to check your site’s pages and posts for the best SEO practices. That includes using things like AIOSEO’s site audit checklist, smart XML sitemaps, TruSEO on-page analysis, and more.

With this plugin, you can rest assured that you’re driving as much organic traffic to your site.

Key Features

  • Custom user roles
  • Rich snippets schema
  • RSS content
  • Smart XML sitemaps
  • Video SEO sitemaps
  • TruSEO on-page analysis
  • Social media integrations
  • WooCommerce SEO
  • And more…

Price: Paid plans start at $39.60/year.

Website Platform: This tool is exclusive to WordPress. For other platforms, we recommend getting started with a global SEO tool like SEMrush. From there, you’ll want to look at on-page SEO tools for the specific platform you’re using.

Get started with AIOSEO today!

6. SeedProd

SeedProd landing page builder home_

SeedProd is the #1 landing page builder for WordPress. It has a drag and drop page builder that lets you create all kinds of pages, including pages for:

  • Sales
  • Coming soon
  • Optins
  • Maintenance
  • Webinars
  • And more…

These landing pages are crucial to your customer acquisition strategy. That’s because they allow you to make custom pages and load them with social proof, product demos, testimonials, and other high-converting elements.

This gives you the chance to really connect with your target audience and get them to take the actions you want them to.

Plus, SeedProd has loads of integrations with 3rd party tools, particularly WooCommerce.

This allows you to create product landing pages that boost sales and lead to your business gaining more paying customers.

That makes SeedProd one of the most valuable customer acquisition tools at your disposal.

Key Features

  • Easy to use
  • Codeless visual drag and drop builder
  • Pre-made templates to save you time
  • 3rd party integrations with popular marketing tools
  • Stock images (copyright free) for professional visual aids
  • And much more…

Price: This plugin starts at only $39.50/year.

Website Platform: This plugin is only available for WordPress.

Get started with SeedProd today!

7. RafflePress

RafflePress homepage

RafflePress is the world’s best giveaway plugin and the perfect customer acquisition tool for WordPress users.

It lets you build contests and online giveaways that are designed to go viral. That’s because it awards contestants “entry points” for completing certain actions.

That means you can build your giveaway around your specific marketing goals. So if you want to grow your newsletter email list, for example, you can design a contest and make this action an “entry point.”

Users can gather multiple entry points as they complete even more of your calls to action (CTAs).

Plus, you can make these actions mandatory or optional. That means you’re giving users the freedom to choose how they want to enter your contest and engage with your brand.

As more users join your giveaway, you can display the number of entries as a form of social proof. This will boost the total number of entries you get, creating digital contests that are more likely to go viral.

Finally, you can embed these contests on any post or page of your site. Or you can have this plugin generate a landing page for you.

No matter what your skill level is, anyone can use RafflePress to grow their business today!

Key Features

  • Drag and drop giveaway builder
  • Viral templates
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly
  • Fraud protection
  • Viral sharing features
  • Social media integrations
  • And much more…

Price: Paid plans start at only $39.20/year.

Website Platform: This plugin can only be used for WordPress.

Get started with RafflePress today!

8. Smash Balloon

smash ballon social media feeds plugin

Smash Balloon is the world’s leading social media feed plugin for WordPress. With this tool, you can add feeds to your site from social platforms like:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

You can install these feeds individually across your site or purchase them as a bundle. Plus, you can totally customize the way these feeds appear across your site.

That means Smash Balloon helps you match your social feed to the unique style and layout of your brand’s website.

You don’t need any coding skills to get your feeds up and running, either. And in just minutes, you can use your site’s traffic to boost your social media presence and build stronger connections with your target audience.

As a result, you’ll see higher conversions and acquire MORE customers in less time.

Key Features

  • Easy to set up
  • No technical knowledge required
  • Optimized images
  • Show content from popular social platforms
  • Customizable
  • Post caching for fast load times
  • And much more…

Price: You can purchase each social platform individually for $49/year. Or bundle everything for only $299/year.

Website Platform: This plugin only works for WordPress.

Get started with Smash Balloon today!

9. MonsterInsights

monsterinsights homepage

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics tool for WordPress.

With this plugin, you’ll gain valuable insights into your audience. This includes information like demographics, devices they use, popular posts/pages, bounce times, and much more.

This data will help you optimize your marketing and sales strategies as you work to acquire new customers.

monsterinsights dashboard in wordpress

But the best part is that all of this data will be right in your WordPress dashboard. That means you can have a quick and centralized spot to manage your most valuable KPIs.

This can include things like pageviews, conversions, sales, and much more. Any custom reports you build with Google Analytics can be read at a glance with MonsterInsights.

This gives you a data-driven marketing strategy so you can rest assured that you’re not leaving any new leads on the table.

Key Features

  • Universal tracking
  • Custom reports
  • Ecommerce tracking
  • Affiliate and outbound link tracking
  • Google AMP tracking
  • Easy to install
  • And much more…

Price: This plugin starts at only $99/year.

Website Platform: This plugin works exclusively for WordPress.

Get started with MonsterInsights today!

10. LiveChat

LiveChat Homepage New Image

LiveChat is the best live chat software for your business. It helps you improve user experience (UX), add additional customer support, and acquire new leads in less time.

With LiveChat, you get all the tools and features you need to run a successful live chat service on your site.

This includes things like:

  • Canned responses
  • Chat tags
  • Rich messages
  • File sharing
  • Notifications
  • And much more…

Plus, you can customize your chat widgets to better match the style of your website. And with a detailed analytics dashboard, you can monitor the success of your chat agents.

Finally, you can rest assured that your (and your new leads’) information is well protected. That’s because LiveChat comes with lots of built-in security measures to guarantee your conversations stay private.

Key Features

  • Targeted messages
  • Canned responses
  • Chat buttons
  • URL rules
  • Customizable chat widgets
  • Data summaries
  • Encryption
  • And much more…

Price: LiveChat’s paid plans start at $16/month.

Website Platform: LiveChat can be used with ANY website.

Get started with LiveChat today!

11. Constant Contact

constant contact new homepage

Constant Contact is one of the most popular email service providers (ESPs) on the market and one that we highly recommend checking out.

That’s because Constant Contact is more than just an ESP. It also helps you build websites, market your product, grow your email list, and nurture your new leads.

With Constant Contact, you can create automated email sequences to build deeper connections with your mailing list. Over time, these sequences can transform cold leads into paying customers.

You can also organize your contact lists into more manageable segments, allowing you to personalize your messaging. As a result, you can more efficiently upsell, cross-sell, or educate your customer base.

This not only drives more sales for your brand but helps retain the customers that you’ve already converted.

Key Features

  • Email templates
  • Automation tools
  • Analytics dashboard
  • Drag and drop visual builder
  • Organize your contact lists
  • And much more…

Price: Paid plans start at only $20/month.

Get started with Constant Contact today!

12. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

Marketing Automation Tools - Brevo

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is another ESP that works as an effective customer acquisition tool. Like Constant Contact, Brevo lets you manage your email list to transform cold leads into loyal customers.

Plus, it comes with a host of other marketing tools, including SMS marketing and live chat.

With Brevo, you’ll be able to grow your email list using Brevo’s native forms.

Though for even better results, we recommend pairing OptinMonster with Brevo.

That way, you can get more leads and subscribers with OptinMonster, and guide your leads through your sales funnel with Brevo.

Like you’d expect with any ESP, you’ll be able to organize your contact lists, build automated email series, track your results, and more.

Key Features

  • Pre-made email templates
  • Automated sequences
  • Easily design/customize your emails
  • Organize your audience
  • Analytics dashboard
  • A/B testing for better results
  • And much more…

Price: There is a free version that lets you send 300 emails per day. Paid plans start at $25/month.

Website Platform: Brevo works with ANY website.

Get started with Brevo today!

13. Drip

Drip homepage

Drip is another software that you may know as an ESP, but that works really well as a customer acquisition tool.

With Drip, you can build signup forms and grow your mailing list. You can also incorporate SMS into your marketing strategy and organize your audience accordingly.

Use pre-built templates to build automated email series FAST. These can be used to welcome new email subscribers, guide new leads down your sales funnel, upsell your existing customers, and much more.

With Drip, you’ll have all the tools you need to create an email marketing strategy that attracts new leads and helps grow your business today.

Key Features

  • Pre-made email templates
  • Automated email sequences
  • A/B testing for better results
  • Signup forms and SMS marketing
  • Organize your contact list
  • And much more…

Price: Paid plans start at $19/month.

Website Platform: Drip can be used with ANY website.

Get started with Drip today!

That’s all for this post. These have been 13 of the best customer acquisition tools that you can start using right now.

Get Started With OptinMonster Today!
BONUS: Done-For-You Campaign Setup ($297 value) Our conversion experts will design 1 free campaign for you to get maximum results – absolutely FREE! Click here to get started →

We hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, then you’ll definitely want to check out the following resources:

These articles will have even more information on how you can gain new customers and scale the growth of your business today.

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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Popups work, and you can get started for a few bucks a month. What are you waiting for?

Create and launch smart capture forms
today in minutes. What are you waiting for?

In only 7 months, we added more than 95,654 names to our email list using OptinMonster’s Exit Intent™ technology. We strongly recommend it!

Michael Stelzner - Best Lead Generation Tool

Michael Stelzner

Founder Social Media Examiner

I hate popups, so I was hesitant to try one on my site. But the results from OptinMonster exit-intent popup speak for themselves. I doubled my subscription rate immediately without annoying my users. I haven’t had a single complaint. My only regret is that I didn’t start using OptinMonster sooner. I can only imagine how many subscribers I could have added to my email list! If you have a blog, then I highly recommend you start using OptinMonster. I’ve researched them all, and it’s the best in market.

Michael Hyatt - WordPress Lead Generation

Michael Hyatt

New York Times Bestselling Author Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Exit-intent popups have doubled my email opt-in rate. When done right, you can see an instant 12% lift on driving sales. I highly recommend that you use OptinMonster for growing your email list and sales.

Neil Patel - WordPress Popup Plugin

Neil Patel

Founder QuickSprout