What Is a Splash Page & How to Create One? (+14 Examples)

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Featured image splash page

Do you want to create a splash page to greet your website visitors?

A splash page is a great way to grab people’s attention the instant they land on your website.

Since it’s impossible to ignore a splash page, it’s an incredibly powerful tool for sharing important updates, content, and offers.

By the end of this article, you will know how to create a splash page that converts your website visitors.

What is a Splash Page?

A splash page is an introductory screen visitors see before they can enter your website. It will direct people towards a single, strong call-to-action, like ebook download or newsletter signup. Typically, the site visitor will need to complete some kind of step to close the page, even if it’s simply closing the message.

Splash pages work best when they’re offers and updates your site visitors absolutely should not miss.

There are different reasons publishers and site owners use splash pages:

  • Choose language or region
  • Ask for age verification
  • Show limited-time offers
  • Announce new products
  • Highlight top content

So, should you use a splash page on your website? Yes, a splash page is wildly effective in the right context, but a closer look at the pros and cons may help you decide.

Pros and Cons of Splash Pages

Before you create a splash page, you might want to consider these pros and cons.

Using a splash page has the following advantages:

  • Display important information prominently
  • Direct people to key pages and offers
  • Grow email list faster

But, that doesn’t mean you should always use them.

Splash pages also have their detractors:

  • It interrupt your site visitor’s experience. Most times, your site visitor will need to close the splash page before they can access your website.
  • It can affect your SEO since it’s a kind of intrusive interstitial. The best way to tackle this issue is by enabling the splash pages only for desktop users

Fortunately, you can use quick fixes to deal with these problems.

  • Personalization: you could show the splash page based on user behavior, visitor’s location, and more.
  • Limited offers: show offers that are only valid for a specific time period
  • Conversion templates: use prebuilt splash templates that have been designed to improve conversions

Now that you know what a splash page is, take a look at a few examples of Splash Pages used on popular websites.

14 Splash Page Examples

Below, we’ve handpicked the best splash page examples. We looked for beautiful splash pages with compelling offers that were tailored to a specific target audience.

1. Lilach Bullock 

Lilach Bullock used this welcome mat to greet site visitors, converting 5.09% of new visitors.

pop up design inspiration -Lilach-Bullock-Fullscreen-Campaign

2. Sportique 

Sportique used this fullscreen optin to convert 4.92% of visitors. They first showed this offer after the visitor had been on the site for at least 4 seconds.

Sportique splash page_

3. Cracku

Cracku added a countdown timer to its splash page to create urgency. This simple countdown timer converts 3.50% of all site visitors.

Cracku Welcome Popup

4. Singularity University 

Singularity collected 2,000 new email signups in under 9 days using this fullscreen optin.


5. Bulk.ly

Bulk.ly used a splash page to offer a free email course. This fullscreen campaign converted 4.76% of abandoning visitors. It’s perfectly matched with Bulkly’s ideal customer profile. People who want to share evergreen social media content signed up for this course, and then ended up starting a free trial of Bulkly.


6. Nature TTL

Nature TTL offered a free eBook and their fullscreen splash page looked like this:

Nature TTL fullscreen welcome gate

7. Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing uses a fullscreen welcome mat to offer a free strategy report. Visitors need to be on the site for at least 10 seconds in order for the campaign is displayed. It converted 5.75% of visitors.

Inbound Marketing Fullscreen Welcome Popup

8. Contest Domination

Contest Domination displays a Yes/No form on their splash page.

Contest Domination splash page

9. Kindlepreneur

Kindlepreneur offers a resource in exchange for an email address. This is a great example of a compelling lead magnet. Most Kindle authors would want to know which promotion sites provide the best return on investment.

Kindlepreneur splash page_

10. LeadsBridge

Presenting a free download, like this example from LeadsBridge, is a great splash page strategy.

LeadsBridge splash page_

11. Penniless Prairie Girl

Penniless Prairie Girl offers a free personal finance guide to site visitors who sign up for the newsletter.

Penniless Prairie girl splash page_

12. WP Starters

WP Starters addresses key struggles and pain paints on its splash page.

WP Starters splash page_

13. The Spinsterz

The Spinsterz presents a discount coupon and other perks to entice site visitors to join its rewards program.

Spinstersz splash page

14. Loaded Landscapes

Loaded Landscapes uses its splash page to grow its email list. Like some of the other splash page examples, Loaded Landscapes offers the site visitor a valuable resource for free.

Loaded landscapes fullscreen optin

How to Create a Splash Page That Converts

Today, we’ll use OptinMonster to create a splash page. OptinMonster is the best tool for creating a splash page. With OptinMonster, you can easily build a stunning splash page using a visual drag and drop editor.

OptinMonster homepage

OptinMonster comes with beautiful ready-to-use splash templates that are super easy to customize.

You can also use targeting options to personalize your splash page. For example, show only to new or returning visitors.

With OptinMonster, you can choose to show your splash page based on:

  • Visitor’s physical location
  • Only on certain pages
  • The time they’ve spent on site

One great feature is that OptinMonster connects easily with any email service provider. And, you can use it on any website platform, including WordPress, Shopify, Blogger, and so on.

It’s simply the easiest way to create a stunning splash page that gets you business results.

Sign up for OptinMonster 14-day risk-free trial today.

Get Started With a Splash Page Today!

Step 1: Create a New OptinMonster Campaign

First, you need to log into your OptinMonster account and click Create New Campaign.

Create new OptinMonster campaign button

Next, you must select your campaign type.

Click Fullscreen.

Create Fullscreen Mat in OptinMonster

Now, choose your template.

Today, we’ll go with Minimal because it’s perfect for the timed offer we’re showing.

Choose Minimal Fullscreen Mat Template

Give your campaign a name. Click Start Building to enter the editor.

OptinMonster name campaign

Now, you’re ready to design your splash page.

Step 2: Customize Your Splash Page

Customizing your splash page in OptinMonster is easy.

You don’t need any coding or design skills to create a beautiful splash page in minutes.

All you need to do is click on any part of your splash page to edit it.

Let’s see how that works in action.

So, to change the text, click on it.

From here, you can edit the colors, fonts, and copy.

Edit Minimal Fullscreen Splash Page

Next, customize your button text and style to match your splash page.

Edit Minimal fullscreen button_

You can also easily add features to your splash page. And, to do that, all you need to do is click Add Blocks.

Add blocks

From here, you’ll be able to add:

  • Video
  • HTML
  • Chatbot
  • Image

And more.

Then drag and drop the element you want into place on your splash page.

Add Block Minimal Fullscreen Template

Plus, if you like, you can set your splash page to slide down from the top of the browser instead of fading in.

Click Fullscreen Settings.

Click fullscreen settings_

Next, toggle the Display a Page Slide button to green.

Page Slide Fullscreen Mat

That’s it for now. But keep in mind that you can change anything about your splash page to match your website and brand.

Once you’re happy with the look of your splash page, you’re ready to determine your display settings.

Step 3: Display Your Splash Page

One of the advantages of OptinMonster is you have full control over when and where you can show your splash page.

You’ll get several targeting options, such as:

  • Show special offers to returning visitors
  • Display after someone has viewed a certain number of pages
  • Appears as someone tries to leave the site

For a splash page, you might want to show the splash page the moment your site visitors land on your website.

Select Display Rules at the top of the editor.

display rules

Find and select Time on Site.

OptinMonster Time on Site Display Rule

Set the time to immediate.

Time on Site Rule Immediate

You can refine this even further using Page Targeting. Using Page Targeting, you can choose to hide or show your splash page on certain sections of your website. For example, you might choose to show the splash page only to site visitors who land on your home page.

OptinMonster Page Targeting Display Rule

For the best experience, you can show your splash page only to desktop visitors. Look for Visitor’s Device, select it, and then choose Mobile.

visitor device targeting rule

When you’re happy with your display settings, you can connect OptinMonster with your email marketing platform.

Step 4: Connect Your Email Service Provider

If you want to use your splash page to grow your list, you’ll need to connect OptinMonster to your email service provider.

OptinMonster makes it easy to sync with any email service provider.

Simply click Integrations.

Integrations ribbon

Select Add New Integration.

Add New OptinMonster Integration_

Find your platform from the Email Service Provider dropdown.

OptinMonster Email Provider Dropdown

Follow the prompts to complete the integration.

Step 5: Publish Your Splash Page

The final stage is publishing your splash page on your website.

Hit Publish at the top of your editor.

OptinMonster publish ribbon

Change status from Draft to Publish.

OptinMonster publish status Live

Finally, you need to add OptinMonster to your site. Don’t worry. Connecting OptinMonster with your website doesn’t get any easier.

If you’re using WordPress, check out this article: How to Integrate OptinMonster With WordPress

Not using WordPress? Use this easy guide to add OptinMonster to any website.

There you go. Now, this splash page will show to your site visitors.

splash page_

Getting started with a splash page is incredibly easy with OptinMonster. You can select from a wide range of stunning templates and customize your design with a visual drag and drop builder. Without a doubt, you’ll be on your way to converting your site visitors in minutes.

Get Started With a Splash Page Today!

We hope you enjoyed this article.

If so, you might find these resources useful:

Ready to convert your website visitors? Get OptinMonster today.

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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Popups work, and you can get started for a few bucks a month. What are you waiting for?

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In only 7 months, we added more than 95,654 names to our email list using OptinMonster’s Exit Intent™ technology. We strongly recommend it!

Michael Stelzner - Best Lead Generation Tool

Michael Stelzner

Founder Social Media Examiner

I hate popups, so I was hesitant to try one on my site. But the results from OptinMonster exit-intent popup speak for themselves. I doubled my subscription rate immediately without annoying my users. I haven’t had a single complaint. My only regret is that I didn’t start using OptinMonster sooner. I can only imagine how many subscribers I could have added to my email list! If you have a blog, then I highly recommend you start using OptinMonster. I’ve researched them all, and it’s the best in market.

Michael Hyatt - WordPress Lead Generation

Michael Hyatt

New York Times Bestselling Author Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Exit-intent popups have doubled my email opt-in rate. When done right, you can see an instant 12% lift on driving sales. I highly recommend that you use OptinMonster for growing your email list and sales.

Neil Patel - WordPress Popup Plugin

Neil Patel

Founder QuickSprout