SeedProd Review: Is This Landing Page Plugin Worth the Hype?

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seedprod review

Want to create high-converting landing pages for your WordPress website? Confused by all the tools and plugins available and don’t know where to start?

Creating a landing page can feel overwhelming for beginners. Yet, with the right landing page plugin for WordPress, you can say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to an easy way to grow your business.

In this article, we’ll talk you through our SeedProd review and help you decide if it’s the best WordPress landing page builder for your business.

What Is SeedProd?

SeedProd landing page builder home_

SeedProd is a WordPress landing page builder with coming soon and maintenance mode functionality. Its powerful drag and drop page editor makes it easy to build any WordPress landing page without hiring a developer.

With a growing library of customizable landing page templates, it’s easy to get started with SeedProd. You can customize any page element by pointing and clicking and see the changes in real-time.

Whether you want to…

  • Collect email addresses
  • Show a maintenance page
  • Promote a webinar
  • Or increase your sales

SeedProd has a template or landing page block to make the page building process easy, with no coding required.

Now that you know what it is, let’s look at why you should be using SeedProd as your page builder plugin.

SeedProd Review: Why It’s the Best WordPress Landing Page Builder

In the SeedProd review below, we’ve covered the most useful features we’ve found while using the plugin and why we think it’s a fantastic solution.

1. Easy for Beginners to Use

Out of the many landing page builder plugins on the market, SeedProd is the easiest solution to use. Unlike other page builders that are confusing for beginners, SeedProd keeps things streamlined and straightforward.

The drag and drop builder makes it super-easy to add and remove content on your page quickly. You can also see any changes you make in real-time inside the visual editor before you publish.

2. Tons of Stunning Landing Page Templates

SeedProd’s responsive landing page templates are another huge selling point. Every design is mobile responsive and will adapt to any screen size or mobile device.

landing page templates

Here are just a few of the landing page templates you can customize:

  • WordPress coming soon pages
  • Maintenance mode templates
  • Custom 404 pages
  • Sales page templates
  • Webinar landing pages
  • Squeeze page templates
  • WordPress thank you pages
  • Video landing pages

It’s also possible to start with a blank template and build your design from scratch in the drag and drop editor.

3. Point and Click Customization Options

Customizing your page is just as easy. You won’t need to know what padding, spacing, and other design-centric words mean. Instead, you can click an option or move a slider to see what difference it makes visually.

Want to change your font size? Just move the slider until it’s the size you want.


Want to set a heading level? Just click the H1, H2, H3, or H4 options and see your headings change in real-time.

You can even upload custom background images, video backgrounds, and slideshows without needing a design degree.

Every customization option in SeedProd follows these rules to keep things as easy to use as possible.

4. Landing Page Focused Content Blocks

If you’ve tried other landing page builders, you’re probably aware of how many options there are. The truth is, many page builder plugins try to do everything, leaving you with many features you’ll never use.

You won’t face that problem with this plugin.

SeedProd’s page elements and blocks are entirely focused on creating the best possible landing pages. This means it only includes the features that are essential for achieving the best results.

You won’t see any fancy animations, effects, and widgets you won’t use. Instead, you’ll find streamlined landing page blocks perfectly designed for generating leads, including:

  • Giveaways
  • Contact forms
  • Optin forms
  • Social profile buttons
  • Countdown timers
  • Social media sharing
  • Progress bars
  • Star ratings
  • And more


Many of these blocks also come with ready-made block templates. This allows you to change the block style and appearance with a single click.

And if you have an online store, you’ll find SeedProd’s WooCommerce blocks extremely useful for boosting sales. You can use WooCommerce blocks like:

  • Add to cart button
  • Checkout
  • Cart
  • Products grid
  • And more

seedprod woocommerce blocks

This makes it easy to create custom WooCommerce product pages, cart pages, and checkout pages.

5. Ready Made Page Sections

As mentioned above, SeedProd’s templates are highly customizable. Besides being able to start with a stunning landing page design, you can also enhance it with ready-made content sections.


Sections are complete page areas you can add to your page like:

  • Headers
  • Hero areas
  • Feature sections
  • FAQ
  • Calls to action
  • Footers

Instead of creating these sections block-by-block, they’re pre-made and ready to insert with a few clicks. Just like page blocks, you can completely customize each section to match your website’s branding.

6. Ready Made Color Palettes and Fonts

Designing anything is frustrating if you’re not design-savvy. Sometimes knowing what colors or fonts work well together is a complete mystery. With this page builder, you don’t have to worry.

SeedProd’s design experts have put together 20+ color palettes and built them right into the page builder. Just pick one that looks the best to apply the whole color scheme to your landing page.


You can do the same with fonts. The page builder integrates with Google fonts to offer near-unlimited font choices, and it shows you which font pairings work best together.


7. Built-in Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode

Did you know you can also use SeedProd as a coming soon and maintenance mode plugin? With these modes already built-in, you won’t need separate WordPress plugins to get this functionality.

Just switch either mode to active, and your website visitors will see your custom coming soon or maintenance mode landing pages.

coming soon and maintenance mode

This gives you the power to work on your site design in private and perform updates without showing visitors the construction process.

8. Powerful Access Controls

Speaking of SeedProd’s landing page modes, the coming soon and maintenance pages come with custom Access Controls. The Access Controls allows you to choose who sees your website under construction and who sees your custom landing page when visiting your website.

These settings are incredibly useful if you want to give clients a preview of their new site design without revealing it to the public. It’s also a great way to hide specific WordPress pages like your login page or members-only pages.

Configuring these settings is reasonably straightforward.

landing page access controls

You can create a Bypass URL, a secret link you can give specific visitors, so they won’t see your coming soon or maintenance page.

If you prefer, you can add individual IP addresses so those particular users can bypass your landing page.

It’s also possible to choose where your coming soon page shows on your website. You can show it on your entire website, only your homepage, or include and exclude specific pages.

9. Custom 404 Error Pages

SeedProd has another page mode you can enable with a single click: 404 error pages.


Default WordPress theme error pages are often generic. When users come from search engines and see this type of page, they won’t be inspired to stick around, causing you to miss out on leads and potential customers.

With a custom 404 page like those from SeedProd, you turn broken links and pages into lead-generating opportunities.

404 page example

You can suggest relevant products or articles, encourage users to visit your homepage, show answers to popular questions, and more.

10. Use Different Domains for Multiple Pages

Ever wanted to create a landing page for a new domain without setting up a whole new WordPress site? With SeedProd’s domain mapping feature, you can create a landing page on your site and have it appear on another domain.

For example, you can create a registration landing page on your existing website ( and point it to your domain name of choice (

Want to create a coming soon page for a brand new website?

No need to wait – just launch the coming soon page from your existing site and use Domain Mapping to set it up on your new domain.

With Domain Mapping, you can create multiple microsites without the hassle of installing WordPress on every domain.

11. Premium Email Integrations

Your landing page isn’t complete without the ability to collect email addresses to grow your list. With many landing page builders, the options are limited to a select few services. Yet with SeedProd, it’s different.

It integrates with top 3rd-party email marketing service providers to make growing and managing your list super-easy.

seedprod email integrations

You can connect to:

  • Constant Contact
  • ActiveCampaign
  • AWeber
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Convert Kit
  • Drip
  • GetResponse
  • And more

If you’re not signed up to an email list provider, you can still use SeedProd to collect email addresses. When anyone subscribes via your landing page optin form, their details are added to the built-in subscriber management dashboard.


You can then export those users to your provider of choice via CSV when you’re ready to level up your email marketing efforts.

Alongside the different email providers, you can also connect your landing pages to Google Analytics to track your performance, Recaptcha for spam protection, and thousands of other apps with Zapier.

12. Responsive and Mobile Ready Design

Want to see how your landing pages look on different devices before publishing? You can with SeedProd’s built-in mobile preview settings.

Just click the mobile preview icon in the visual editor to see what mobile users would see. If anything doesn’t look right, you can edit your page as you would with the desktop preview.


You’ll also find that SeedProd’s templates and builder are mobile responsive, so your message is always clear no matter what screen size your readers use to browse.

13. Works with Any WordPress Theme

If you’re worried about compatibility issues with your existing WordPress theme, there’s no need. This drag and drop page builder plugin works with any theme.

Unlike other builders where you need to set full-width page settings, any page you create with SeedProd looks fantastic no matter what theme you use.

14. Lightning Fast and Bloat Free

Probably one of the best things about this WordPress page builder is how fast it is. The plugin is bloat-free and uses minimal code to achieve the fastest possible page speeds.

This means you can build landing pages at the speed-of-thought, with lightning-fast results.

To make things even faster, you can enable Isolation Mode, which stops unnecessary processes from running, only using what your page needs to render.

And as smart marketers know, faster page speeds mean more conversions!

15. Top Rated WordPress Page Builder Plugin

With over 1 million active installs and thousands of 5-star reviews, it’s easy to see that so many WordPress users love SeedProd.


The expert support team is always on-hand to help you get the most out of their plugin. No issue is too small, and if they can’t solve something there and then, they’ll research the best way to help their users.

Here are just a few SeedProd support reviews:

  • “John was very patient and provided all the information I needed. Excellent!”
  • “Thank you for responding quickly and helping me out! Great customer service.”
  • “Prompt, efficient, effective. Thank you.”

As well as a top-notch support team, SeedProd offers extensive documentation, tutorials, and guides. Every feature is covered, so whatever your skill level, you can use the plugin with ease.

How Much Does SeedProd Cost?

SeedProd has a variety of plans for every budget and business size.


Want to use SeedProd for free to keep costs low? You can! The free version of SeedProd has everything you need to create landing pages for your WordPress site.

You can access free:

  • Landing page templates
  • Coming soon and maintenance modes
  • A variety of blocks and page elements
  • SEO settings
  • Custom scripts
  • Google Analytics integration
  • And much more

So if there isn’t room in your budget right now, you can download SeedProd’s free WordPress plugin from the official WordPress repository.

Yet, you’ll want to get the Pro version of SeedProd and unlock all the best features for creating high-converting landing pages.

Verdict: SeedProd Is the Best Landing Page Builder for WordPress

Since SeedProd is so easy to use, has powerful lead generating features, and is faster than any other page builder plugin, it’s evident that SeedProd is the best landing page builder for WordPress.

Plus, when it comes to ease of use, SeedProd’s drag and drop builder is unmatched, requiring zero “tech skills” or coding knowledge.

Because it’s such an expansive plugin offered at such a low price, we can confidently say that SeedProd is the best landing page builder available.

Want to check it out for yourself?

Get Started with SeedProd Today!

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

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