Practical tips to boost your site conversions.
Want to create an optin form that converts like gangbusters? You’ll need to make sure that you have all the ingredients that go into the very best optin forms. In this post, we’ll share the complete, 63-point checklist for creating the ultimate optin form. Are your optin forms converting as well as they could be? …
Do you struggle to retain your customers and keep them coming back? You could be missing one or more critical pieces of an effective customer retention email campaign. In this post, we’ll cover 7 types of emails to send to your customers that will keep them coming back for more. Once a company loses a …
This week, we rolled out a minor but highly requested update to OptinMonster. It’s the Site Sorting option. A lot of you use OptinMonster on multiple websites. If you’re like me and have multiple campaigns and A/B tests, then it becomes extremely hard to find the one that you’re looking for. The new site sorting …
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