Practical tips to boost your site conversions.
Did you know that it’s 5-10 times more expensive to get a new customer for your eCommerce store than to keep an old one? In fact, a buyer’s 2nd purchase is considered more important than the first one because repeat customers buy up to 67% more products than new ones—already enough reason to convince new …
Did you know that only 2-4% of site visits end with a transaction? With Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA), you can use a combination of retargeting and search ads to reach out to returning site visitors. When you consider that returning visitors convert at 2X the rate of new site visitors, RLSA could make …
Facebook has 2.38 billion active users. More than 1.5 billion of them log in every single day. If you’re not running ads on the platform, you’re missing out on what amounts to a captive audience. Plus, Facebook is phenomenal at helping you get the right ads in front of the right people. It lets you …
You already know that 98 out of 100 people will leave your site without buying anything. Did you also know that about 70% of folks are going to actually put something in their cart before they leave without buying anything? And it’s not just about spending money. The same rate of people, 98%, will leave …
Imagine – 10 minutes could grow leads and sales from your website by 10% or more. You can start today with just a few clicks – no developer or coder needed.
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Ask yourself – what would you do if you grew by 10% today? You can get started for a few bucks a month, and we’ll create your first popup fast and free if you’d like. It’s risk-free in the best way.