Practical tips to boost your site conversions.
Hang on to your hats, kids, because chatbots have arrived at OptinMonster. ? Chatbots have consistently been one of the most popular feature requests we get. And with good reason: Improved Customer Engagement. Chatbots help you build custom interactions with shoppers to provide personalized shopping tips based on their unique history. Marketing Funnel Guidance. Chatbots guide leads through every step …
Did you know that 79% of marketing qualified leads never convert? That’s an enormous percentage of qualified leads to just say, “Nah, nevermind.” So, what gives? It comes down to a lack of engagement. Engaged leads convert. But how do you keep leads engaged without spending all of your time babysitting emails? Automated drip email campaigns. …
Spinning wheels, crushing candies, popping bubbles – games are hard to resist and they make us feel good. That’s what makes gamified optins so powerful. How powerful? Gamified optins have been known to turn 2-3% conversions rates into conversions rates of 30% or more. These types of optins are all about psychology and emotion, just like …
Imagine – 10 minutes could grow leads and sales from your website by 10% or more. You can start today with just a few clicks – no developer or coder needed.
Save 35% or more
Ask yourself – what would you do if you grew by 10% today? You can get started for a few bucks a month, and we’ll create your first popup fast and free if you’d like. It’s risk-free in the best way.