OptinMonster Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for OptinMonster



How to Connect OptinMonster with a Webhook

How to Connect OptinMonster with a Webhook

OptinMonster offers seamless integration with webhooks using our native integration.

In this article, you’ll learn how to connect a webhook to OptinMonster.

Before you start, this integration is available with a Pro and higher subscription.
All subscription plans can add custom forms using the Form Embed block.

As a best practice, we recommend you also connect your campaigns to Monster Leads as a backup.

Connect Webhook

When you create a campaign in OptinMonster that you intend to collect leads with you’ll want to integrate with one or more services to send those leads to.

To send those leads to a webhook, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Integrations view in the campaign builder, search for and select Webhook.
    Select Webhook to integrate with OptinMonster.
  2. Next, enter a Webhook Account Name (*internal use only) and enter the Webhook URL into the appropriate fields, then select the Connect to Webhook button.
    Connect OptinMonster with your Webhook.
    *The Webhook Account Name can be anything that helps you identify the specific integration within OptinMonster. It’s possible to add more than one Webhook integration to your account and this is an easy way to differentiate between them when assigning integrations to individual campaigns.
  3. Once connected, you’ll be provided with an example of how Lead data will be submitted via JSON to your Webhook URL.
    Sample Webhook Data
  4. The same section of your integration will also confirm the Webhook URL data submits to.
    Webhook URL for individual integrations.
  5. Optional: You can also configure a List Name, assign Tags, additional Data, and configure the Store IP Addresses? (Turn off for GDPR) option.
    Webhook optional settings in OptinMonster.
  6. When you’re finished, Save your campaign.

Data Structure

For Webhook integrations created on and after November 30, 2023, lead data is formatted via JSON and resembles the example below:

Looking for the payload structure of integrations created before November 30, 2023? See the Changelog section below.

Your webhook can receive the following lead data:

  • lead
    • email – the email address submitted
    • ipAddress – the IP Address of the computer the lead was submitted from
    • referrer – the URL of the page the campaign was submitted from
    • timestamp – the timestamp when the campaign was submitted
    • privacyConsent – set to true if the Privacy Checkbox field is present in your campaign form
    • firstName – the first name submitted if the name field is present in your campaign
    • lastName – the last name submitted if the name field is present in your campaign form
    • phone – the phone submitted if the phone field is present in your campaign form
  • lead_options
    • list – list name (optional)
    • tags – tags to assign to lead (optional)
    • data – additional custom data that you want associated with each lead (optional)
  • campaign
    • id – the unique ID of the campaign submitted
    • title – the title of the campaign submitted
  • meta
    • Extra fields from your campaign are passed through here, by field ID
  • smart_tags
    • day – the day of the week the lead was captured
    • month – the month of the year the lead was captured
    • year – the year the lead was captured
    • date – the date the lead was captured
    • page_url – the URL of the page where the campaign converted
    • referrer_url – the URL of the page where user landed on converted page
    • pages_visited – total number of pages visited by the user in current visit
    • time_on_site – total time on site spent before converting
    • visit_timestamp – time of conversion
    • page_title – title of the page
    • coupon_label – coupon code label
    • coupon_code – coupon code that was displayed to user on conversion

You can also pass Smart Tag data along with the lead data using our Webhook integration. Learn more about Smart Tags

Add Extra Fields

This integration supports Field Mapping, so you can easily add radio buttons, phone fields, text areas, number fields, lists, and more!

Before you begin using Field Mapping with Webhooks, please consider the following:

  • Custom fields are passed into the meta key of the JSON payload.
  • You can also pass Custom Smart Tag data using our Webhook integration. Learn more about Smart Tags.

Email Automations

To send emails automatically to new leads you’ll want to configure email automations within the Email Service Provider account your Webhook sends data to.


We strongly recommend you test the optin form before publishing your campaign to ensure it is working as you expect.

Webhook.site is a great free Webhook testing tool you can use to quickly expose the JSON data sent from OptinMonster via Webhook.

Before you begin, please be aware of the following details when testing Webhook integrations:

  • When testing Webhook submissions, we recommend you pay particular attention to the JSON data captured to ensure all lead, lead_options, campaign, and smart_tags data is being captured as you expect. The Live Site Inspector tool is the testing feature you’ll want to use for test-submitting an optin form before you’ve Published a campaign live to your site.
  • We recommend using a completely unique email address each time you test submit your campaign’s form. You can use a free tool like TempMail.io or learn how to create unlimited unique email addresses from a single Gmail account.
  • If the lead is captured by your Webhook but no automated emails are sent (and they are expected to) it indicates the integration from OptinMonster to Webhook is correct, and the issue is with the automated email configuration. Email automation is not controlled by OptinMonster in any capacity. If you require assistance in troubleshooting email automations we recommend you reach out to the Email Service Provider you’ve configured the email automations through directly.

Get started testing with the Live Site Inspector tool explained in our guide on how to test an OptinMonster campaign.

Spin-a-Wheel Support

If you are configuring a Gamified spin-to-win campaign, Spin-a-Wheel support is automatically enabled. This will pass the Coupon Label and Coupon Code to your Webhook in the smart_tags key with each lead.


What Authentication methods does your Webhook integration support?

At this time we do not support Authentication for Webhook. The data is passed directly to the Webhook endpoint you’ve set for your integration.

Can I send leads to more than one Webhook URL?

Yes! See our Lead Sharing guide to accomplish this.

I’m new to Webhooks, how can I find out more about them?

Some good resources to learn more about the basics of webhooks include:

I’d like to use Webhooks, but am not technical. Can I use Webhooks without writing any code?

Yes, in that instance we recommend using our Zapier integration and configure the Zap to send data from OptinMonster to Webhook. That is the best approach to get started using Webhooks without having to know how to code anything.

See our documentation for more ways to connect OptinMonster and Zapier:

How do I collect the First and Last Names?

OptinMonster will automatically detect if someone has entered their first and last names into the Name input field. You only need to enable the Name field in the Fields Element to collect both the First and Last Name.

How can I update the Webhook URL the campaign data is sent to for my integration?

To change the Webhook URL your integration sends data to, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the OptinMonster Account > Integrations page.
    Navigate to the Integrations page for your OptinMonster account.
  2. From the Integrations page, select the Configure button for your Webhook integration.
    Configure Webhook integrations for your OptinMonster account.
  3. Locate the specific Webhook integration you want to edit from the list and select the Edit button.
    Edit individual Webhook integrations.
  4. Enter the new Webhook URL into the second input field to change where JSON data is sent for this integration.
    Update the Webhook URL in OptinMonster.
  5. When you’re finished, selectthe Update Integration to Webhook button to apply the changes to all campaigns using this specific Webhook integration.
    Update the Webhook integration changes.
Is there a way to provide a custom error message from my Webhook?

If you manage the Webhook server and response, then you can specify your own error message via the Webhook response. If the response contains the “om_error_message” parameter, the error message will show that instead of the default “There was an error submitting your data.” message.

Is there a way to provide response data from my Webhook?

If you manage the Webhook server and response, then you can send back arbitrary data via the Webhook response. If the response contains the “om_response_data” parameter, this will be passed along to the webhook request response in the data parameter. Why would you want this? One example would be to modify the redirect URL for your form action.

Send the following response from your webhook:

And place the following on your site to automatically use the response redirect data for a given campaign:

How can I allowlist webhook requests from OptinMonster IP addresses?

Our webhooks will be sent from one of the following IP addresses:

How can I force the webhook to connect?

Occasionally, the method we use to authenticate and connect your webhook URL may fail. If you would like to force the connection, this is possible using a special query parameter on your webhook URL, ignore_connection_failure=1, e.g.:


If your webhook URL already has query parameters, you can add it like this:


The actual ignore_connection_failure=1 parameter will be remove from the URL during the webhook requests, but we use this flag to determine if we should force the connection.

If you’re serious about jumpstarting your website business growth, then get started with OptinMonster today!

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The campaign is capturing leads but shows 0 conversions in analytics.

Confirm that conversion tracking is turned on for the submit button in your campaign. See our guide on How to Enable Conversion Tracking.


Version 2.0.0 – Release Date: November 30, 2023
  • Addition of the privacyConsent field to the lead key in the JSON payload. The privacyConsent field will map the Privacy Checkbox field;
  • Removal of redundant fields of the smart_tags key in the JSON payload. Deleted fields: form_* (Ex.: form_email, form_name, form_phone, etc), campaign_name, cn;
  • Addition of the X-OptinMonster-Webhook-Version header to the webhook request;

Note: if your integration was created before November 30, 2023, the webhook request will still contain the removed fields.

Version 1.0.0 – Before November 30, 2023:

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OptinMonster has transformed our business. Before integrating their optins, our clients saw a 2% conversion rate from web traffic, which is slightly above the standard for their industry. With the integration of OptinMonster’s lightbox popup, exit-intent technology, split testing, and other tools, our client’s conversion rates soared by an unprecedented 500%. They attracted substantially more customers while spending less on digital advertising. Their success propelled them to the top of their markets, outperforming national chains and other medical spas with much bigger marketing budgets. Our client’s success in their market has distinguished us in our own. We are now one of the most sought-after marketing firms in the industry of aesthetic medicine. We know that the integration of OptinMonster, more than any other tool or marketing strategy, has supported this growth and achievement.

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OptinMonster has been a game-changer for us. From driving donations to collecting new leads, there is nothing that this simple tool has failed to accomplish. Our lead collection rate has jumped by over 1,000%.

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Joe Lowe

Director of Digital Communications, American Bird Conservancy

Through OptinMonster’s exit-intent popups, we have more than doubled our sales conversion rate. Best of all is the compound effect of using OptinMonster over a long period of time—more conversions mean more customers, which means more word of mouth.

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Mitch Smith

Managing Director, Shockbyte.com