OptinMonster 2018 Recap: A Time of Monster Growth

OptinMonster 2018 Recap: A Time of Monster Growth

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2018 OM recap

It’s hard to believe that another year has already gone by. Cue Boyz II Men’s “It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday.”

2018 was an awesome year for OptinMonster. Our customers are the reason we exist, so it’s an amazing feeling to deliver a product we’re so proud of, knowing that it helps make it possible for our customers to consistently reach and exceed their own goals.

With the launch of our drag and drop campaign builder, it’s super simple to create beautiful campaigns without the need of a web developer or a designer.

drag and drop builder functionality

There’s so much you can do with the builder! From creating a simple landing page to opening an optin from a custom WordPress menu link, we have tons of tutorials help you create OptinMonster campaigns that will grow your email list like mad.

The last quarter of 2018 saw the opening of OptinMonster University, which brings courses, execution plans, and all of our ebooks, cheat sheets, templates, checklists, and other expert resources to YOU with the sole goal of exploding your business growth. The focus for all of the courses and execution plans is step-by-step, 100% actionable resources that you won’t find anywhere else.

We also enthusiastically welcomed Thomas Griffin into his new role as OptinMonster’s President in September of 2018. ?

New Features Added in 2018

As if all that wasn’t enough, we introduced features and updates designed to make it easier than ever for you to get leads, increase conversions, and grow your business.

Gorgeous New Templates and Template Preview

We introduced several beautiful, professionally designed templates to make it super easy to create a stunning lead generation campaign in minutes.

We also added a preview feature so you can see exactly what each template will look like before you start building. This will make it easier to choose just the right template for your needs.

OptinMonster template previews

Conversion Summary Report Emails

To help you stay on top of your campaign conversions, we created a weekly conversion email report:

optinmonster weekly conversion summary report

This includes your total conversions and best campaign performance for the week, plus more stats and links to our favorite resources that will help you boost your conversion rates. ?

Improved Yes/No and Success Views

We beefed up our Yes/No and Success views to make your campaign options virtually limitless! You can control every view in your campaign – Yes/No, Optin, and Success – and can even redirect your leads to a URL instead of showing them a success view.

optinmonster choose success actions for buttons

Top 6 Digital discovered that redirecting visitors to an affiliate offer with a strong call-to-action using an exit-intent optin led to increased clicks on affiliate links. What awesome successes will you uncover?

Display Rule Upgrades

Display rules got a huge upgrade in 2018 and it’s easier than ever to decide exactly when and where your campaigns will appear.

Both AND and OR conditions can be within a single ruleset and you also have the option to create entirely different rulesets.

We also added even more ways to fine-tune campaigns and target your users based on the optins they’ve already seen and the URLs they’ve already visited. This makes it easy to take things even deeper by automating your funnel with MonsterChains.

Timesaving Editing Tools

Customizing your campaign is even easier with the ability to import layouts and designs from another view in your campaign.

import layout button

You can also copy button styles and easily make customizations.

Powerful New Countdown Timer Actions

New countdown timer actions can maximize your results from a single campaign.

For example, you could use a timer to count down to the beginning of your sale…

Then once the timer runs out, you can show a different view to count down to the end of your sale. This view could offer visitors another chance to sign up, this time for free shipping.

After the event is over and your last timer has ended, you could show a simple success view asking visitors to sign up to be notified of the next sale. Just set the display rules to stop showing the campaign after whatever date you choose and you’re all set.

That makes 3 opportunities for leads, sales, and engagement from a single OptinMonster campaign.

Minimized Slide-In Settings

New and improved slide settings can keep a slide-in optin around (just minimized) for your visitors and let them decide when they’re ready to engage. This can make an enormous difference in revenue and leads!

Access to Cutting Edge Features With OptinMonster’s Beta Program

You can opt in to our beta program from your Account Settings by checking the box next to the Beta Program option.

opt in to beta program

This gives you exclusive, hands-on experience with brand new features before they’ve even been released!

Click-to-Call Abilities

We’ve made adding a click-to-call button to your popup campaigns super easy. Your customers can reach you with the click or tap of a button, letting them know that you’re available and willing to answer their questions.

add click to call button to your campaign

Improvements to Google Analytics Integration

In 2018, our Google Analytics integration got an update, making the 30-day snapshot that is displayed in your campaign dashboard (what you see when you log in) more accurate than ever. This means increased stability and more accurate reporting for you!

updated google analytics integration

Featured Case Studies

Our customers saw some absolutely incredibly successes in 2018. Here are just a few…

Woodside Communities

Woodside Communities saw an opportunity to engage with visitors in a new way and executed quickly to get great results.

Woodside Communities helped prospects plan a visit using OptinMonster

  • Woodside Communities increased leads 476%.
  • Woodside Communities increased revenue $294,435 in under two months.
  • Woodside Communities went from 46 leads collected to 116 leads in just two months.


Expat.com works hard to personalize their visitor’s journey, and it nets them big results.

Expat.com adds over 14,000 members a month using OptinMonster exit intent

  • Expat increased member registrations 50% using OptinMonster.
  • Expat boosted registrations from 16,000/month to over 30,000/month.
  • Expat refers 10% of a partner’s qualified leads using OptinMonster.


SnackNation used OptinMonster to segment visitors, and lead them towards a sale.

SnackNation segments visitors using OptinMonster

  • SnackNation adds 1,200 new emails to their list each week using OptinMonster.
  • SnackNation converts 15-20 qualified leads every day.
  • SnackNation converts 31.85% of abandoning visitors.


Crossrope.com invested heavily into their abandoning visitors and it paid off.

CrossRope drives challenge registrations with OptinMonster

  • Crossrope.com converted 13.71% of abandoning visitors to active participants.
  • Crossrope.com recovered 7.65% of abandoning shoppers.
  • Crossrope.com increased subscribers by about 1800/month using OptinMonster.


Rocketbots.io uses OptinMonster to research their visitor’s interests and then creates more targeted campaigns in response.

Rocketbots targeted all visitors with full screen optins.

  • Rocketbots converted 7.33% of targeted abandoning visitors.
  • Rocketbots added 2.65% of sitewide visitors to their email list.
  • Rocketbots saw a 680% increase in list growth.

We can’t wait to feature YOU in 2019!

Best of the OptinMonster Blog in 2018

The OptinMonster blog is full of all the best lead generation, SEO, email marketing, and content marketing tips, advice, best practices, and tutorials you need to make your business succeed. Here’s some of your favorite posts from the blog last year:

16 Clever FOMO Marketing Examples to Boost Your Sales

The 11 Best Growth Hacking Strategies to Skyrocket Your User Base

Double Opt-In vs. Single Opt-In: Which Is Better for Conversions?

SEO Made Simple: Where & How To Use Keywords in Your Content

25 Clever Content Marketing Examples with Amazing Results

The Ultimate Guide to Growth Hacking for Exponential Success (2018)

22 Stunning Sales Promotion Examples to Win More Customers

16 Ridiculously Simple Ways To Get More Email Subscribers in Less than 5 Minutes

18 Proven Ways to Increase Your Conversion Rate Throughout Your Sales Funnel

14 Abandoned Cart Email Examples Proven to Boost Revenue

15 Content Formats Proven to Boost Audience Engagement

13 Ways to Boost Your Marketing Email Click-Through Rate

11 Proven Ways to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment (UPDATED)

There ya have it! 2018 is all wrapped up and 2019 is already in full swing. If you’re not already an OptinMonster customer, why not take a minute (literally, it takes 60 seconds) to sign up? OptinMonster is the best lead generation software available and we are backed by a team like no other. Join OptinMonster today. Leads are waiting.

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Popups work, and you can get started for a few bucks a month. What are you waiting for?

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today in minutes. What are you waiting for?