How CodeInWP Increased Conversions by Over 1000% Using MonsterLinks

One of the most common objections we hear against using popup optins is that visitors will be annoyed by them. Our previous case studies with Ryan Robinson and OlyPlant have shown users will optin if they’re offered something valuable in return. Here’s yet another success story showing that when you provide the right value, visitors will …

Increase Using MonsterLinks
1600% Arrow Up Green
Increase Using MonsterLinks
Converted Using Content Upgrades
28% Arrow Up Green
Converted Using Content Upgrades

One of the most common objections we hear against using popup optins is that visitors will be annoyed by them. Our previous case studies with Ryan Robinson and OlyPlant have shown users will optin if they’re offered something valuable in return. Here’s yet another success story showing that when you provide the right value, visitors will happily and eagerly join your email list.

Meet CodeinWP

CodeinWP publishes tutorials, lists, and other blog posts helping designers and developers learn WordPress.

When CodeinWP decided to use OptinMonster, their primary goal was to grow their email list. To do this, they focused on delivering more tailor-made resources in exchange for the opt-ins.

Their lead magnets were based on the content of the post that the visitor was reading at the moment.

CodeinWP Increased Conversions with MonsterLinks

CodeinWP took advantage of our powerful feature called MonsterLinks which only displays the popup when the user clicks on a text link, button or an image.

CodeinWP MonsterLink

They added this content upgrade call-to-action within several of their top-performing blog posts.

This MonsterLinks popup quickly became their top-performing optin, converting around 28%!

This popup is using the Target theme in OptinMonster which is very easy to use and customize.

With OptinMonster, every page on your site can load multiple, unique optins. Each of those optins can deliver a lead magnet on a success page specific to that optin or as part of the success message within the optin itself. This makes delivering content-specific lead magnets a breeze.

Karol from CodeinWP said,

“Even though there are many opt-in tools for WordPress out there, few of them actually let you redirect subscribers to different places or lead magnets after they sign up. Most of the time, all you get is one single success page or one single lead magnet for your whole list.

One solution to this would be to set up separate lists just to be able to treat people differently based on which list they subscribe to, but this seems like a lot of unnecessary work.

OptinMonster solves this for us. It gives us much freedom in terms of what we want to do with the subscribers’ data and their path through our funnel right after they sign up. “

1000%+ Increase in Conversions From Using MonsterLinks

The overall conversion rate on the blog excluding the posts that feature MonsterLinks is 0.39%.

For pages with MonsterLinks, however, the conversions grew to ~3-6%.

This means that MonsterLinks resulted in 770% to 1600% more conversions!

Karol has the following suggestions for using MonsterLinks most effectively:

  1. Use tailor-made lead magnets for specific blog posts. Offer a lead magnet closely related to the post where the lead magnet and optin are promoted. The lead magnet can be an additional resource that makes the content of the post more understandable, more actionable, or simply expands on the ideas or delivers some insider knowledge. Here are several ideas for lead magnets you can create today.
  2. Split test. Even a small amount of split testing can yield big results. Build on what works, and continue to improve that version.
  3. Mention the opt-in offer relatively early on in the content of the post. A big chunk of readers will drop off after just a couple of paragraphs, so always try to grab their interest by offering the lead magnet as soon as possible. Chances are it’s too late if you only have an offer at the bottom.

CodeinWP uses Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) as its email marketing provider. Brevo is just one of our many native integrations with the best email marketing providers available, including MailChimp, AWeber, Infusionsoft, Campaign Monitor, and more.

Not using one of our native integrations? You can still use OptinMonster with our Custom HTML Form integration. If your email marketing platform provides an HTML or JS embed code for your subscription form, you can use it with OptinMonster. In fact, each optin can utilize a different email marketing provider, account, list or group. This is great for agencies managing multiple client websites.


CodeinWP offered an attractive lead magnet to readers and delivered it using OptinMonster.

  • CodeinWP increased conversions 1600% using MonsterLinks
  • CodeinWP converted 28% of readers using content upgrades


MonsterLinks allow you to make targeted offers within the content of your website. Our success redirect lets you deliver a lead magnet right away. Increasing your list doesn’t get any easier than that.

The best thing about OptinMonster is that it just works. You really don’t need much technical knowledge to get it going, and that’s no matter what sort of site you have.
Karol, CodeinWP

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