How Nick Gray Increased Conversions by up to 1000% With Smart Opt-in Popups

Have you ever thought “how can I increase conversions on my website?” If you did, then you’ve come to the right place. Wasted traffic is painful and costly… no one likes to see visitors abandoning their website without taking action. Nick Gray didn’t like it either, and that’s why he chose OptinMonster. Discover how this …

Increase in Conversion Rate
1000% Arrow Up Green
Increase in Conversion Rate
Increase in Monthly Subscriber Count
600% Arrow Up Green
Increase in Monthly Subscriber Count

Have you ever thought “how can I increase conversions on my website?” If you did, then you’ve come to the right place. Wasted traffic is painful and costly… no one likes to see visitors abandoning their website without taking action. Nick Gray didn’t like it either, and that’s why he chose OptinMonster. Discover how this decision helped him increase conversions.

Meet Nick Gray

Nick Gray is a natural-born entrepreneur. After building and selling a few companies (including Museum Hack), he started a personal blog where he shares life hacks, business tips, and reviews.

He’s also the owner of this How to Host a Party website, and author of “The 2-Hour Cocktail Party“, a book with step-by-step instructions on how to host parties to meet new people, strengthen existing relationships, and become the person everyone wants to know.

Why did Nick choose OptinMonster?

Nick’s personal blog was getting hundreds of visitors daily, but almost no one subscribed to his newsletter.

More specifically, his email list was growing by only 3 or 4 subscribers per week.

The vast majority of his traffic was wasted. Hours of research, content creation, and planning going down the drain for no good reason.

Something wasn’t right.

His opt-in forms were getting views after views, but the conversion rate was constantly 1% or under.

He was using basic WordPress forms placed at the footer of his website and hardcoded at the bottom of each article.

Despite all this, the results were not showing.

And not because his newsletter wasn’t fabulous. Not at all.

He was getting constant praise from his subscribers, telling him how great his emails were.

The problem was related to the journey his visitors were going through on his website, not to the value of his content.

And since OptinMonster is the best software on the market for creating amazing user experiences that lead to conversions… he took a different approach and went all in.

How Nick Gray Increased Conversions by up to 1000%

Armed with an OptinMonster account, and a new strategy in mind, his sole goal was to get people to sign up for his Friends newsletter.

The Friends newsletter is a place where he writes about general stuff you would write to a friend… things like new business books, great movies, or interesting articles he read.

He started by replacing ConvertKit forms with OptinMonster.

While ConvertKit doesn’t tell him what URL someone signed up on, OptinMonster does.

So from the very start, he saved time, because he didn’t have to make a new campaign for each blog article he published.

He created a Yes/No popup campaign that was displayed on a specific blog post where he talked about business tips.

The popup offered a PDF copy of his Strategic Coach notes, sent straight to their inbox.

If they accepted the offer, they had to opt-in to his newsletter in order to get access.

This popup boosted his conversion rate from under 1% to 6.33%!

A 600%+ increase!

How? He displayed a personalized campaign to a segment of his audience that was interested in that topic, at the right time, with the right content.

Here’s another example of how he grew his email list with OptinMonster.

Instead of showing the campaign right when a user visits the article, Nick decided to show the campaign 15 seconds into the interaction. That way, the user has time to skim through the page and see if there’s anything of interest there.

This Yes/No popup campaign had a conversion rate of 7.33%!

That’s MUCH higher than the previous average of under 1%.


Because he targeted the right audience with content that’s valuable, after giving them enough time to explore the page.

His campaigns are also very clear, and to the point.

The copy is simple, and tells people exactly what they are getting into.

Being truthful builds trust with this audience. And this trust shows in the results…

Results like a whopping 10.59% conversion rate for this campaign promoting his new book, “The 2-Hour Cocktail Party.”

Great design, and straight-to-the-point copy. Absolute killer in terms of results.

The “trick” behind all these campaigns is personalization.

And that’s one of the things Nick appreciates about OptinMonster: the ability to improve his funnel using personalized data provided directly by his readers.


  • Nick Gray increased conversion rates from the average of 1% to 7-10% for multiple campaigns!
  • Nick Gray increased his monthly subscriber count by 600%!

How You Can Increase Conversions Following in Nick’s Footsteps

First things first, you need to have a good understanding of your audience.

Create an in-depth Customer Avatar with the most common needs, desires and pain points of your visitors.

Having this type of knowledge will help you personalize your campaigns, and create messages with great impact.

Once you have that, look at your analytics and see where most of your traffic comes from, and where it goes to.

Make a list with your top 3-5 pages.

Take a look at the content on those pages, and based on the source of the traffic, figure out the reason people visit them.

Maybe your top page is an article about pet grooming, and your traffic is coming from organic Google searches on this keyword: “pet grooming tips.”

You know your visitors have an interest in finding information about pet grooming, and they are actively searching for that information.

In this case, we suggest you try 2 different campaigns:

  • A Yes/No or simple Opt-in popup with a lead magnet about pet grooming.

The lead magnet can be a guide about pet grooming for different dog races, or it can be a collection of your already-written articles you have on your blog.

Anything that gives extra value.

This is the route Nick took, and as you’ve seen, he had some incredible results following this method.

Make people subscribe to your newsletter before they can finish reading the entire article. This practice is used by major newsletters, like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

content locking example to show how to grow your email list

These are just two simple examples of how you can use OptinMonster to increase your conversion rate and grow your email list faster than ever.

For more tips and advice in this direction, you can contact our Customer Success team and read our blog articles. You can also join OptinMonster University, and access a collection of videos and materials created by top conversion experts.

If you want to start with something very practical, read this: 107 Quick Simple Tips to Increase Your Conversion Rate!


Nick used OptinMonster Opt-in popups to increase the conversion rate of his lead generation campaigns by up to 1000%.

Using OptinMonster totally changed my email growth strategy. I’m now using content marketing getting results thanks to the inline forms and popups on my site. My Friends Newsletter has grown tremendously since I started to use OptinMonster. Most importantly, the website traffic that my blog was attracting finally feels valuable because I’m capturing email addresses.


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