OptinMonster Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for OptinMonster



How to Make a Campaign a Clickable Button or Image

How to Make a Campaign a Clickable Button or Image

OptinMonster makes it easy to create a campaign with a clickable image. Redirect traffic with the click of an image on any type of campaign.

In this article, you’ll learn how to make your OptinMonster campaign a clickable image.

Configure Campaign

To create a campaign that contains a clickable image, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new campaign or choose an existing campaign to edit. If you are creating a new campaign, we suggest using the Canvas template.
    Begin creating a Canvas type campaign in OptinMonster.
  2. From the Design view of the campaign builder, delete all existing blocks.
  3. Next, add a Columns block to your campaign.
    Add a Columns block to the campaign.
  4. Be sure to set it as a Single Column.
    SIngle column setting in the OptinMonster campaign builder.
  5. Next, drag and drop an Image block into that column.
  6. Upload or select an existing image from your library.
  7. From the Image block’s Content tab expand the Image option and locate the Link field. Enter the URL you want to redirect visitors to into this field.
  8. Now select the gear icon next to the Link field and enable the Track Clicks? option. This will ensure a conversion is counted each time someone selects the image link in your campaign.
  9. When you are finished, click Save.

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There is extra space around my image that I want to remove.

To remove the default padding from around the Image block in your campaign, follow these steps:

  1. From the Design view select the Settings icon.
  2. From the Advanced tab expand the Campaign Styling option and select the pencil icon for Spacing and set the Inner Spacing (Padding) setting to zero (0).
  3. When you are finished, click Save.

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