There are few things more frustrating to an eCommerce business owner than an abandoned cart. The customer browsed, read reviews, looked at several pictures, and put something in their cart, only to leave? What gives? Unfortunately, this happens a lot. Cart abandonment statistics show that more than 75% of shoppers abandon their carts, but that …
As a marketer, it can be exhausting to continue finding new avenues of growth for your company. Trying something completely new takes a lot of time and effort, and there’s no way to guarantee success. Unfortunately, there’s no magic bullet for acquiring new quality customers. But, it doesn’t have to be a constant uphill battle …
Want more engagement from your email marketing campaigns? Low engagement or high unsubscribes could mean that you aren’t engaging your subscribers immediately when they first opt in to your list. In this post, we’ll share 7 ways to engage your email subscribers from the moment they opt in. First impressions are everything, especially when it …
Do you struggle to retain your customers and keep them coming back? You could be missing one or more critical pieces of an effective customer retention email campaign. In this post, we’ll cover 7 types of emails to send to your customers that will keep them coming back for more. Once a company loses a …
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