Are you thinking about adding popups to your site, but not sure whether it will really work? Some of the world’s top brands using popups get more leads and sales. And if popups work for them, they can certainly work for you too. In this post, we’ll share 40 top brands that are using popups …
When it comes to your Shopify store, are you actively strategizing to get the most revenue possible? Or are you like most people and blindly hoping your customers click through to checkout? Unfortunately, we see people going the latter route all too often. That’s why today, we want to teach you one specific strategy that …
Ok, here we go. Are you ready for this? Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Right now, you’re probably expecting something big to happen. You’re not sure what it is, and no promises were made. But as you counted down from 5, did you feel that small tingle of anticipation building up? That’s the same anticipation …
You know that old expression, “the devil is in the details.” That may be true, but there’s something else hiding out in those details: A higher lead conversion rate. Because if you want to capture the most leads, you should be thinking about every single detail in your lead generation strategy. That includes building the …
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