How to Target OptinMonster Campaigns to Visitors Who Have Been Shown or Not Shown Other Campaign Types

OptinMonster makes it easy to hide or show your campaigns based on whether your visitors have been shown or not shown other types of campaigns in a specific period of time.

In this article, you’ll learn how to show or hide your campaigns using the has been shown / has not been shown Display Rules.

Before you start, the Display Rules covered in this guide require a Growth subscription.

Campaigns using the Display Rules covered in this guide will not be shown to brand-new visitors to your website who have not yet viewed any campaign. The visitor must have viewed at least one campaign first.

Configure Display Rules

When you create a campaign in OptinMonster you may want to show or hide it based on whether your visitors have been shown or not shown other types of campaigns in a number of days. This is easy to do using OptinMonster’s Display Rules.

To hide or show your campaign using the has been shown rule, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Display Rules view in the campaign builder.
    Navigate to the Display Rules in the OptinMonster campaign builder.
  2. Next, when adding or editing a rule select OnSite Retargeting from the left-hand list and select the Has Viewed Campaign Type or Has Not Viewed Campaign Type option.Has seen campaign type rule in OptinMonster.
  3. Configure the rule using the available options.
    Configure the has viewed campaign type rule in OptinMonster.
    The following options are available:

    • any campaign in the last;
    • a popup campaign in the last;
    • a floating campaign in the last;
    • a slide campaign in the last;
    • a fullscreen campaign in the last;
    • an inline campaign in the last
  4. When you’re finished, Save the campaign.