Do you struggle to retain your customers and keep them coming back? You could be missing one or more critical pieces of an effective customer retention email campaign. In this post, we’ll cover 7 types of emails to send to your customers that will keep them coming back for more. Once a company loses a …
Are you looking for a quick way to improve your email marketing campaigns? Writing killer emails can be easy, once you know the tricks that smart marketers use. Here are 19 quick and dirty tricks that you can use to crush it with your next email campaign. 1. Keep Your Design Minimal The more simple …
You may be thinking about guest blogging to grow your email list. After all, it only takes a few hours to write a guest post for a popular blog like The Huffington Post, Forbes, or Lifehacker. And, in exchange, you get a free backlink to your website – bringing you a huge surge of traffic. …
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