OptinMonster: It Just Works + Introducing Project Delight

OptinMonster: It Just Works + Introducing Project Delight

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The swoosh of a basketball that hits nothing but net. A team meeting where good ideas flow like a river and everyone is eager to do their part. Finding that perfect customer at the moment when they’re ready to really hear what your product can do for them. Writing a piece of copy you just know is going to make the sale.

Isn’t it great when things just work?

That’s what OptinMonster does – it just works. And it works really well.

Driven by Customer Success

You, the person reading this – our customer, visitor, subscriber, generally curious person – you are the driving force behind every single thing that we do here at OptinMonster. You’re the foundation of our core beliefs and values.

Seriously. That’s why we share so many case studies. ? We want you to see the awesome things that our customers do.

From the very beginning, we’ve set out to create a lead generation software that empowers people and businesses to succeed. We were even pioneers in bringing exit-intent technology to websites of any kind with the switch of a button! All with your success in mind. ?

Introducing Project Delight

Project Delight started out as just the internal name we gave to all of the user experience and user interface improvements that we have planned for OptinMonster. The process involves maintaining our commitment to excellence with high attention to detail while also working for simplicity in the use of the end product.

The end result is a powerhouse of a product that is (wait for it…) delightful to use.

OptinMonster’s President Thomas Griffin recently described Project Delight like this:

Project Delight is our way of saying that power doesn’t have to come at the expense of enjoyment. It’s our way of paying attention to the details, to reduce the number of clicks it takes to get what you need, to surface the things most important to you, to improve workflows so that you get more conversions faster. And, to make using OptinMonster something that you really get excited about.

Attention to Detail + Simplicity of Use = OptinMonster

We love watching businesses be transformed when they use OptinMonster

OptinMonster just works. We’ve covered that. But we want it to be delightful to use, too.

That’s why we’re all so excited about Project Delight. And not just because it has an awesomely fun name.

Thomas was happy to share why he’s excited about Project Delight. His genuine passion for OptinMonster and our customers is infectious – consider yourself warned.

I’m thrilled because it’s an extension of who we are. We love helping people succeed. We love watching businesses be transformed when they use OptinMonster. We care about the details. We want you to see incredible results with minimal effort. But I’m most excited because it’s our way of saying we listen. You’ve told us you wanted things easier, more intuitive, more enjoyable, and because we care about you above all, we’re willing to take the steps to make sure you feel heard. Project Delight is simply the tangible proof.

A Better User Experience

We want you to see incredible results, and Project Delight is how we are improving OptinMonster so that becomes more of a reality each day

The user experience and user interface improvements included in Project Delight have come about organically, according to Thomas.

We realized from lots of customer feedback, and from our own experience, that we could make OptinMonster so much better with better workflows, better customization, better stats, better experiences… and that those things ultimately lead to better results. We want you to see incredible results, and Project Delight is how we’re improving OptinMonster so that becomes more of a reality each day.

When asked if there’s a particular improvement that he’s most excited about, he was hard-pressed to choose just one.

It’s hard to pinpoint a single thing. We’ve already made so many improvements this year alone: site, integration and analytics defaults so you don’t have to set them every time you make a new campaign, vastly improved drag-and-drop experience (no more things shifting around!), campaign solutions and goals (to align with your needs) and an updated dashboard (that has better information and more logical sorting of campaigns). Not to mention 12+ entirely new, beautiful templates!

Here are some examples of the improvements Thomas mentions:

Set a Default Site for New Campaigns

You can now set a default site for new campaigns so you don’t have to set the site every time. And, of course, it’s super easy to do.

From your OptinMonster account page, go to Advanced Settings (at the bottom), and select a default site from your list of sites using the dropdown.

choose a default site for new campaigns

Set Default Analytics and Integrations for Each Site

From the sites page of your OptinMonster account and click Edit next to the site you’re setting default analytics and integrations for. From there, you’ll be able to select the default accounts you want to use and save the settings.

set default analytics and integrations

Improved Drag and Drop Experience

OptinMonster’s drag and drop user experience has been greatly improved with Project Delight:

smooth drag and drop experience

So smooth.

Campaign Solutions and Goals

You now have the option of filtering campaign templates by goals and categories to find the perfect campaign that will convert the best for you.

filter campaign templates by goal and category

Dashboard Improvements

The dashboard has had a few improvements like improved sorting and the addition of campaign type to make it easier than ever to find the campaign you’re looking for.

You can sort campaigns by name and age…

sort campaigns easily

Or campaign type and more!

sort by campaign type

What’s Ahead for Project Delight?

Ultimately, Thomas is most excited about a Project Delight feature that hasn’t happened yet.

If I had to say one thing I’m most excited about, it would be mobile specific campaigns. We know that we can do better in this area, so we have an update in progress where you can create mobile specific campaigns and still get all the benefits of customizing them in our drag and drop builder. You’ll get exceptional experiences on mobile devices to drive big results, and I can’t wait until it is launched next month!

There are awesome things going on at OptinMonster. Cracku increased conversions 300% by using OptinMonster’s countdown timers to create urgency. Flywheel used OptinMonster to increase engagement by 660% – and converted 4.7% of visitors using our page level targeting features. What will YOUR story be? Let’s find out – join today!

Start Getting More
Leads & Sales Today
with OptinMonster!

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today in minutes. What are you waiting for?

In only 7 months, we added more than 95,654 names to our email list using OptinMonster’s Exit Intent™ technology. We strongly recommend it!

Michael Stelzner - Best Lead Generation Tool

Michael Stelzner

Founder Social Media Examiner

I hate popups, so I was hesitant to try one on my site. But the results from OptinMonster exit-intent popup speak for themselves. I doubled my subscription rate immediately without annoying my users. I haven’t had a single complaint. My only regret is that I didn’t start using OptinMonster sooner. I can only imagine how many subscribers I could have added to my email list! If you have a blog, then I highly recommend you start using OptinMonster. I’ve researched them all, and it’s the best in market.

Michael Hyatt - WordPress Lead Generation

Michael Hyatt

New York Times Bestselling Author Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Exit-intent popups have doubled my email opt-in rate. When done right, you can see an instant 12% lift on driving sales. I highly recommend that you use OptinMonster for growing your email list and sales.

Neil Patel - WordPress Popup Plugin

Neil Patel

Founder QuickSprout