29 Best Email Automation Tools to Transform Your Business

Are you looking for the best email automation tools to transform your business? We understand how much time you spend on your email campaigns every day. Plus, we know you don’t want to perform the same tasks for each individual subscriber. We’re here to tell you that there’s another way to handle those repetitive marketing ... Continue Reading →

13 Proven Marketing Automation Workflow Examples

Are you looking for marketing automation workflows to save you time and make more money for your business? Automated workflows keep your business running around the clock. This means you can focus your time and energy on other things. Marketing automation also gives your customers a consistent experience which boosts your brand’s reputation. Marketing automation ... Continue Reading →

How to Create an Email Marketing Funnel in 3 EASY Steps

Are you trying to learn how to create an email marketing funnel, but you’re not sure the best place to start? Email marketing consistently remains one of the best ways to generate revenue for online businesses. It’s a direct line to your target audience for announcing sales, product launches, special offers, and more. But as ... Continue Reading →

Drip Email Campaigns: A How To For Successful Lead Engagement

Did you know that 79% of marketing qualified leads never convert? That’s an enormous percentage of qualified leads to just say, “Nah, nevermind.” So, what gives? It comes down to a lack of engagement. Engaged leads convert. But how do you keep leads engaged without spending all of your time babysitting emails? Automated drip email campaigns. ... Continue Reading →